Thursday, January 19, 2012

mmmmhhhhhhhh....homo sapiens?????

difficult times, human relationships are fully suspended, friends, brothers and sisters who do not respond more 'by natural connections or spontaneous, no one can justify for how we are today, the truth is we made it , not animals, not the others creatures of this (once beautiful) planet, but just us, homo sapiens .... mmmhhhhh what we have more of the animals ???... poor creatures forced to undergo a revolution habitat and perhaps the extinction thanks to humans .....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

WE wish all the best to you and your family ...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012...AND HOPE ALL'S OF YOU OPEN YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND ON THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE....for change from the human ,social,economic & nature,.....crisis.....and start a new world....